Information Architecture

Everything starts with a fresh idea, smart planning, and a good strategy.  The process is simple and starts with gathering information, new concepts, development, and proper maintenance to keep everything current.  It’s more than just content strategy and conversion strategy but bridging all forms of media into a cross-platform ecosystem.  In the past, there was a few media outlets like the local radio, television, newspaper, magazines, and billboards but now we have hundreds of social media outlets that engage with larger networks spanning across billions of users.

Today, people want more variety and search for  detailed information about a niche market.  A quick example is how we can see  simple market changes from ordering a small cup of coffee into a complicated Starbucks order with a venti size, half-whole milk, half non-fat milk, double shot espresso, no foam latte, with whip, a touch of vanilla syrup and 3 short sprinkles of cinnamon.  The world keeps changing with a new target market of consumer trends. Websites need  to show credibility, visibility, branding, information, identity, and a target market.  The information architecture is completed with a sitemap that list all the possible categories and topics organized with a proper index. It needs to have an easy to understand navigational system. The end-user must be able to understand the design and strategy you have in mind when they present it.

After choosing the best technologies that will work for the site, you have to implement interactive forms, downloads, memberships, e-commerce store, and system that will focus on customer feedback, followers, and supporters.  Feedback is a necessity for communication as its provide more intelligent discussions after any engagement.  It keeps everything fresh with new ideas and critiques.

Photography is essential for websites.  Understanding what is unique about your business can be expressed with a photograph that sends a thousands words to your target audience.  It’s more than just developing a methodology but understanding what influencers have on your audience and how they can connect on a personal level and paint the UX with a stronger connection.