Google Structured Data Testing Tool

Google is pretty amazing when it comes to structuring your website right. Ask Matt Cutts, He’s a fucking technology gangsta when it comes to SEO.  Everybody in the SEO world knows that he’s got his shit together like a BOSS.   So what’s this rich snippet, structured data testing tool all about? Go to google and find out about it.

The structured data testing tool is something you want to consider when you are creating your website. It makes sure that your mark up and data you have on your site isn’t all fucked up.  It shows the author of the site and highlights the person, and not the corporation who is trying to constantly sell shit on the internet.  It also helps verify that the site is legit and checks to see if the user has registered the email address to the site.

Marketing consultants go ape shit about Google’s data tool because it helps them make a profit by analyzing the SERP aka search engine results page and other search engines . I honestly think that people do it so their face shows up on the engine but that’s just an opinion. You guys love selfies!

rich-snippet-data-toolSo in order to get started on this testing too. Create a gmail account. make a handshake with google by creating an alias. For example: will create and alias for his site by forwarding emails from to

Gmail checks…are you really Steve Jobs? Ok, you are! so then the handshake is made on the gmail settings (it looks like a cogwheel on the top right of yourscreen). Next add a photo of yourself, Yes a human photo. not some corporate logo. Google will drop that shit like it’s hot if you try to add some stupid company logo as your face. You can pay for ads if you want to go for that route. Imagine if all the millions of companies trying to get company logo facetime  all over Google when they discuss a topic or write a short blog.

The next step is to add the authorship marking or publisher code.

Webmaster Tools is optional but do it. Don’t be lazy. Make the association with either google analytics or use other options like insert and code that Google will make or the domain company will verify it.

There’s a lot more to this in terms of microdata and all that shit for google structured data too so I’ll let you experts discuss it because you guys in the tech industry are know-it-alls! 😛

UPDATE- March 10, 2017 – Authorship marking /publisher code is defunct. no more, no mas, no bueno, that’s all folks.