Image Optimization – How to increase your website speed while maintaining quality.

Are your images loading too slow? Is is the internet speed or did you upload a 1GB image photo to your website? Does it matter? Let’s talk about speed. If you’re image is too large, it will take longer to load to your site unless it has an automatic quality/size reduction setting.  There’s some free […]

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A Boring Coming Soon plugin

There’s lot of ways of making, buying, or implementing “coming soon” pages or plugins…but I decided that I needed something that was so simple, you install it, and it’s pretty much active or choose to deactivate it without spending extra time one making a splash page with multiple features. I’ve seen a few of them […]

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Acura and Infiniti: A Supercar fantasy.

I’ve had this on my mind for some time and it’s another drop in the bucket idea but I think it’s time that Acura and Infiniti just quit the routine with their lifeless 4 door sedans. I had a vision that Infiniti and Acura would completely stop all their sedans, mid-size, compact, wagon, whatever the […]

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Relax, its just Pokémon.

For the record, it’s pronounced Pokémon. The é sounds like the first e in Résumé. The last ‘mon’ sounds like ō in the English word, Rose. The last letter, “n” has longer vowel like a short humming sound “une” or just simply ポケモン。if you want to sound old school, it’s ポケットモンスター。 It seems that everybody […]

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It’s Hammer Time

This is a pretty nice “bad ass” JavaScript library thanks to Jorik Tangelder. I haven’t really played around it with a lot lately but it’s pretty straight forward if you’re trying to pimp out your website with gesture controls. I know a few JQuery libraries will do the trick as well but this one is […]

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Expectation vs Reality

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The 5 Biggest Design problems with Simple Websites.

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Local Business Structured Data Markup Schema

So this is a short one blog for itemscope and property types but let’s use the to improve the web by creating a structured data markup schema supported by major search engines. Mic drop. <div itemscope itemtype=””> <div itemprop=”name”>Seattle Fucking Rocks!</div> <div>Email: <span itemprop=”email”><a href=’’></a></span></div> <div>Phone: <span itemprop=”telephone”><a href=”tel:1(206) 913-8665″></a>(206) 913-8665</a></span></div> <div itemprop=”paymentAccepted” style=”display: […]

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Robots.txt File, Sitemap.xml and the XML schema

What the hell are these bots or robots?   The robots exclusion protocol or simply robots.txt, is a standard used by most websites to communicate with web crawlers and other web robots. Yes, robots will be taking over the world, yeah sort of. Ever heard of HAL 9000?   The standard specifies how to tell the […]

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Updating Themed Woo-Commerce php files that are out of date

The version – is out of date. the core version is 2.60 or 3.XX (more in the future?) So I run into this a lot with 3rd party plugins.  The WordPress Woo-commerce plugin is always out of date.  It’s a really good Free e-Commerce plugin but also comes with a lot of issues if you […]

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